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Ayush Hospital in Pune to expand services, start surgeries

City’s Ayush Hospital will develop a protocol for line of treatment to patients for independent treatment and therapies, said officials.
Inaugurated at Aundh on February 26 this year, it is the second Ayush hospital in the state and first in the district. The medical facility plans to expand services from its existing outpatient department (OPD), few panchkarmas and therapies.
Dr Balaji Ladke, medical superintendent, Ayush Hospital, said, “We have till date provided services to over 1,150 patients. We will soon start surgeries for anorectal diseases like piles, fistula and fissures, besides therapies of ayurveda, yoga, unani, siddha, and homoeopathy from next month.”
Another senior official said that steps should be taken to generate public awareness about the hospital. “Residents should know that the treatment and services provided here are free of cost,” he said.
“We are preparing a line of treatment to be followed by doctors and staff. More staff will be appointed soon and purchase order for more than 200 types of medicines has been made,” Dr Ladke said.
